Reasons and Solutions For a Guinea Pig Chewing Its Hutch

There is a slew of possibilities for why do guinea pigs chew on their cage. To swiftly stop this annoying behaviour, you must first figure out what's causing it. Many of the remedies are, fortunately, pretty simple to find.
In general, your ferry baby will chew on guinea pig cage because its teeth need to be exercised or because they are stressed or bored. It's likely that you taught your pet to do this by paying attention to them. They may also chew owing to factors like guinea pig cage size, cage mates, and other factors.
It is not necessary to run to the doctor if you see your pet chewing on their large guinea pig cage more than normal. Here is a guide on how to know why your pet is chewing on its hutch and how to stop guinea pigs from chewing on a cage.
Why Do Guinea Pigs Chew on Their Cage & The Steps to Take
Guinea pigs chewing their wooden guinea pig hutch is quite normal, but it can also be an indication of an underlying issue. We've come up with six reasons why your guinea pig could be eating its cage.
1. Your Guinea Pig Needs More Attention
One of the biggest reasons guinea pig chewing on cage is that it requires more of your time and care. There's a considerable possibility you'll stroll over to the hutch and chat with your pet if you detect gnawing. It's possible that you'll pick it up for a snuggle and some reassurance. Your guinea pig has you figured out without you even realizing it. Your cavy will chew its cage in the future to seek your attention.
- Spend More Time With Your Guinea Pig
If guinea pig is doing this to catch your attention, you should increase the stakes and spend more time with your pet. Remember that piggies require a lot of floor time to forage, explore, and, most importantly, chew. Your cavy will be able to exercise and be engaged while playing in a safe environment. It is sufficient to spend one hour every day with your cuddly cavies, but the more time you spend with them, the better!
2. Your Guinea Pig Might Be Feeling Stressed
It's possible that guinea pig is agitated or worried if it chews its cage. This is your piggy's go-to coping strategy, similar to how humans gnaw our nails. However, determining what is causing your pet to get stressed will require some time and work on your behalf. Excessive noise, the household dog, or a domineering hutch-mate are just a few instances of stress. Observing the behaviours of guinea pig, such as its daily routine, interactions with other guinea pigs, and environment, are just a few of the things you should do.
- Keep Your Guinea Pig Stress-Free And Happy
Simple things might be causing guinea pig to get stressed. Observing it in its cage and in the run area should reveal the source of these stresses. If the hutch is near a busy road or noisy neighbours, for example, you might consider relocating it. Inside the guinea pig cage, provide plenty of hiding nooks and tunnels so that your pig has a safe haven if it feels threatened. It will feel more secure as a result, and unneeded tension will be reduced.
Unfortunately, if guinea pigs are kept in a cramped environment, they will gnaw on the cage. Always get the largest hutch you can afford when looking for one. Your pets will be happier and less anxious if they have more area to run and explore. If the room is an issue, consider a big guinea pig cage and run combination.
3. Your Guinea Pig is Bored
Boredom may cause guinea pigs to act out in a variety of ways, including eating their hutch. Have you double-checked (and double-checked) that your cavy has plenty to do? When last did you buy anything new for your pig to discover and explore?
- Get Your Guinea Pig New Toys
Adding new toys to your piggies is a sure-fire method to get them thrilled and keep them active, from chubes that serves as a tunnel and chew toy to maize rattles. Boredom will be kept at bay, and they will cease chewing through their hutch with a combination of a large wooden guinea pig cage, new toys, and spending time with your cavies.
To keep guinea pig interested, switch up the toys every now and again. Don't stuff the guinea pig hutch with all of the new items at once. Too many options might be as terrible as having none at all, and your bored guinea pig will be gnawing on the hutch again.
4. Your Guinea Pig is Lonely
On its own, a guinea pig will not only need your attention, but it will also become bored and stressed. A guinea pig resides in a muddle or herd in its native habitat; thus, we never advocate owning just one.
- Get Your Guinea Pig a Hutch Mate
Rather, keep two or more guinea pigs together so that they may socialize. This will put an end to undesirable behaviour such as cage chewing. You can buy a guinea pig cage for 2.
5. Your Guinea Pig is Trying to Trimming Its Teeth
Recall how we said a guinea pig's teeth continue to develop throughout its life, necessitating chewing and gnawing? It's possible that your pig is digging its teeth into its hutch because there aren't enough chewy items accessible.
- Ensure That Your Guinea Pig Has More Than Enough Things To Chew
Chewing is how your guinea pig keeps its teeth in shape. Your guinea pig will opt for the next best thing, which is its hutch if you don't provide enough hay and pellets. Ensure that your cavy has access to high-quality hay, fibre-rich pellets, and fresh vegetables and fruit. Hanging willow sticks, woodrolls, hay snacks, and puffed rice are other good options for your pet.
How To Stop Guinea Pigs Chewing Hutch
How to stop guinea pigs from chewing on cage? Understanding why your guinea pig chews its hutch can assist you in determining how to put a stop to it. Boredom, anxiety, a lack of focus, and loneliness are just a few of the causes. Make sure guinea pig gets lots of exercises, has toys and activities to keep it entertained, and that you play with it for at least an hour every day.
If everything else fails, you can take certain precautions to prevent/stop this behaviour. There are anti-chewing sprays on the market, or you may teach guinea pig to quit chewing.
What Can Guinea Pigs Chew On?
Did you notice that your adorable cavy's teeth never stop growing? Though it may appear difficult to accept, it is real! Guinea pigs, like other Rodentia and Lagomorpha species, have pearly whites that develop inexorably - something that may be a significant health hazard if not kept under control. It is essential to give safe, nutritious chewing materials for your beloved pets in order to guarantee that they have good teeth (and avoid a trip to the cavy dentist). Essentially, your cavies require unrestricted access to chewable items at all times, as this is the only method for them to grind down their teeth and maintain good dental hygiene.
Fortunately, your pets can nibble their way to oblivion on a variety of goods without you having to worry about the repercussions.
Let's take a look at some low-cost or free choices before we get into a list of chewable you can buy.
- Paper Rolls and Crumpled Sheets
- Wood Blocks (Untreated)
- Cardboard Boxes
- Twigs (See Exceptions)
To be honest, there's no need to go out and spend a lot of money on chew toys for your guinea pigs. There are some fantastic ideas that will not break the money, including some that are completely free.
Paper towels and toilet paper rolls are other excellent options. Fill them with hay, and you're giving your guineas something special to look forward to.
Wood blocks, as long as they're untreated and made of safe wood, are a fascinating toy that also doubles as a delectable treat that you can arrange in a variety of forms. Freshly cut Evergreens like cedar and pine (that have not been kiln-dried) should be avoided since they contain phenols that can harm the guinea pig's delicate respiratory system. To avoid any health risks, conduct your study on certain wood varieties before providing a woodblock to your piggies.
Cardboard boxes, such as those used for shipping or transporting, offer great hiding spots and chewing surfaces!
Twigs are another free item; the most popular among guinea pig owners are:
- Beech
- Apple branches
- Birch
- Hazelnut
- Pear
Can guinea pigs eat wood? Just like with wood blocks, do your homework before giving your guinea a random twig you found in the park to gnaw on because not all wood is good for them to eat!
Seven other things that your guinea pig can munch on
Now, here are seven other items that your guinea pig can chew safely:
- Hay
- Sticks
- Hay Sticks
- Tunnels
- Toys
- Hideouts (but only wooden)
- Grass Mats
Apart from the hay, you'll notice a common thread running through the descriptions of each item: they're all constructed of wood or grass. That's because the only natural, nutritious, and safe materials for guinea pigs to chew on are grass, wood, and wood products.
Final Thoughts
You do not need to be worried that the hutch will get chewed as long as it's built of high-quality wood that's safe for guinea pigs. Of course, if their persistent nibbling damages the hutch's structure, you'll need to make repairs as quickly as possible. This will keep your pets from escaping and, more importantly, predators from entering.
Guinea pigs chew things not just because they like it but also because they have to in order to maintain their teeth in good shape. However, there is sometimes more to it. Observing your piggies and paying attention to how and when they chew their cage will help you figure out why they're doing it.
It might be due to boredom, anxiety, or an urgent need for your attention. It would be easier for you to tackle the problem if you could determine the causes. Always provide ample entertainment for your piggies, as well as a big guinea pig cage with enough space to run, play, eat, and sleep. Chew goodies, as well as spending quality time with your beloved pets, are excellent ways to stop the hutch-chewing behaviour.