How To Choose An Indoor Rabbit Cage

A large indoor rabbit cage are readily accessible at pet stores. They all have the same basic design - a plastic tray on the bottom and wireframe on top. The size of the cage entrance, the depth of the foundation, and how easy it comes apart for cleaning are all crucial factors to consider.
In this guide, we will highlight the important factors to consider when shopping for an indoor rabbit hutch. Below are what matters when choosing an indoor rabbit cage.
Indoor Rabbit Cage Size
Rabbits need space to feed, sleep, hide, and toilet, as well as the ability to jump, run, play, hop, and dig. So for your furry bunny to have fun in an indoor rabbit cage, there must be enough space. Of course, the premise is that you have enough space for it. To accommodate all of this, you'd be better off buying an extra large indoor rabbit cage to make sure they're in a good mood while playing.
Notably, in general, the majority of manufacturers produce the same kind of inside bunny cages in a range of sizes to accommodate various pets (e.g. hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits). Some indoor rabbit cages marketed as suitable for rabbits by manufacturers are really too tiny, so check the specifications for yourself rather than relying on shop descriptions or photographs (which often feature baby rabbits to make cages look bigger).
How Many Rabbits Are Suitable in an Indoor Rabbit Cage?
You should provide enough room for the rabbits you intend to keep. They are happier and healthier as a result of being able to unleash their energy without being bored. Is space, though, all there is to it? Can you put five rabbits together and expect them to form a happy bunny family? Certainly not.
Although it might be surprising to some, rabbits can be highly territorial, so adding another bunny – especially if it's in their cage – is unlikely to be welcomed.
So, what can you do to ensure that several rabbits get along?
- Unless you are planning to breed, start by spaying or neutering.
Rabbits reproduce in large numbers, which may be overpowering and unwelcome. Spaying and neutering can help prevent this problem while also calming their demeanour.
- Ensure the rabbits have an adequate supply of water and food.
The more rabbits you have, the more food you'll need to feed them. So that one rabbit doesn't harass the other or monopolize the food, spread the food over the space.
Adult rabbits should eat around half a cup of pellets every day, as well as two ounces of fruits and vegetables.
- Ensure the rabbits have enough room.
This is something that cannot be overstated. Because they are mostly active at dusk and dawn, rabbits are far busier than you may assume.
However, any genuinely happy bunny will want lots of space, which is much more vital when dealing with many rabbits. So, just because you want a lot of rabbits in your house doesn't imply you should have a bunch.
It takes a lot of effort than you may think to make a happy bunny family, and this should be considered before adding more bunnies to the mix.
How Much Space Do Rabbits Need?
When thinking about how much space you'll provide your rabbit, keep the following in mind:
- As long as you have enough space for an indoor rabbit hutch and more than one rabbit at the same time, of course, the larger the rabbit cage size, the better.
- Here's a quick way to figure out how much space your bunny requires: Stretch out your rabbit and take measurements. When stretched out, their cage should be at least five times the size of your rabbit. This gives them lots of areas to run, jump, and play while still allowing them to sleep comfortably in their own place.
- When it comes to the amount of room you provide your rabbits, more is preferable. They may be pretty busy in the afternoon and at night, so making sure they have enough space to burn off their energy is essential.
- If you have a lot of rabbits, you'll want a extra large indoor rabbit cage. While one to two rabbits may contentedly live in a 12 square foot cage and 24 square foot exercise area, more rabbits will need greater space.
Indoor Rabbit Cage Material
This is another important thing to consider when choosing an indoor rabbit cage.
Indoor rabbit hutches are available in a variety of forms and materials. There's something for everyone's budget and way of life.
- Metal wire mesh, plastic, and wood are all popular materials. The recommended material is determined by the location of your rabbit and your desired level of care.
- Outdoors, wood is the best choice. It is more insulating than metal and plastic. However, be sure to choose wood that is painted with an eco-friendly water-based paint.
- Metal is extremely adaptable and resistant to chewing. It can be drafty, and it offers little to no shelter from the elements, both cold and hot.
- Plastic is inexpensive and readily available. Plastic isn't a good outdoor material since it doesn't insulate properly. It does, however, operate well indoors. Just keep in mind that rabbits enjoy chewing on plastic.
Indoor Rabbit Cage Layers
An indoor rabbit cage with too many layers is not suitable for your baby to live in. And there are certain risk factors. After all, rabbits don't need to climb up and down. For rabbits, width is more important than height.
Single Layer Indoor Rabbit Cage
Rabbit cages are arranged on the same level. This kind of rabbit cage has low stocking density and low utilization rate of house. But good ventilation and light, easy to manage.
Double Indoor Rabbit Cage
The double-layer indoor rabbit cage is assembled and arranged on the upper and lower horizontal planes. Compared with the single-layer rabbit cage, the stocking density is increased, and the management is convenient. More than one can be placed.
Multi-layer Indoor Rabbit Cage
There are more than three layers, the stocking density is high, the ventilation and light are not good, and the hygiene is difficult to maintain.
Indoor Rabbit Cage Bottom
What do you line the bottom of a bunny cage with? Here is a list of the top indoor rabbit cage floor options:
- Straw / Hay
- Cardboard
- Old Towels or Sheets
- Newspaper
- Shower Mats
- Floor Mats
- Clay Litter
- Wood Shaving
- Vinyl Flooring
- Carpet
Flooring Requirements for Wire Bottomed Indoor Rabbit Cages
Some of the cages with wire bottoms will include waste trays, but not all of them. If your rabbit pen doesn't include a waste collection system, you'll need to cover the bottom of the cage with something to accomplish the job.
Even though your large indoor rabbit cage has a waste pan beneath, you should cover areas of the cage's wire floor with material for your bunny's comfort. Your bunny's feet will be painful from living on a wire floor full-time, and we all know how awful sour feet are.
When it comes to a wire-bottomed inside rabbit cage, the most important factor to consider when selecting a material to cover the wire is your rabbit's comfort, both when standing or walking on the wire and when lying on the cage's bottom.
Flooring Requirements for Solid Bottomed Indoor Rabbit Cages
Solid-bottomed bunny cages are meant to catch all of the debris in the tray's bottom and then remove it easy to wipe up the waste and soiled floor covering all at once.
When it comes to covering the bottoms of these types of rabbit cages, absorbency and odour control are the most important factors to consider.
Indoor Rabbit Cage Price
Rabbit cage prices, like most things in life, vary widely. The materials used to construct the cages are one element. The distance between you and the factor, as well as the rabbit cage size. Additionally, superior models and luxury accommodations will cost extra.
It's hard to offer you an exact price for an indoor rabbit cage. But you need at least $30 for a used or cheapest indoor rabbit cage. And you may need to prepare several hundred dollars to buy a brand new and luxury indoor rabbit hutch. Just keep in mind that you should get the greatest indoor rabbit hutch money can purchase.
Indoor rabbit cages come in a variety of styles, but a quality indoor rabbit cage should cost between $100 and $300. You can opt for a smaller cage and let your rabbit stretch out and run around in the safe area if you have a rabbit-proofed room for your bunny.
Do Indoor Rabbit Cages Need Wheels?
Because the frames and wheels may take up a lot of room, wheeled rabbit cages are more commonly found outside. However, some are utilized indoors, so don't believe they are only for the outdoors. An indoor rabbit cage with wheels have the advantage of being extremely portable, but not in the traditional sense.
Instead of dismantling and moving a wheeled cage, you just lift and push it on its own wheels. An indoor rabbit cage with wheels is handy for a variety of bigger settings, but they may be rather expensive.
Do Indoor Rabbit Cages Need Run?
Bunnies need a lot of space to move about. Choose an indoor rabbit hutch with a run if you want to keep your bunny inside its hutch for the majority of the time rather than allowing it a full run of the house.
This will allow your bunny to wander about and play more, allowing it to stretch its legs and receive some much-needed exercise. Rabbits who have more space to run about will live longer and be healthier.
Final Thought
Clearly, there are numerous factors to consider when determining which type of indoor rabbit cage is ideal for your ferry baby. You must consider their height, weight, age, and degree of exercise. The cage's location, as well as its durability and cost, are all crucial considerations. You must also consider your personal requirements.
Hopefully, this article has been useful in bringing to light all of the factors to consider while searching for an indoor rabbit cage.